"Ceylon snake head" (kanaya) The smallest dwarf snake head in the world!

November 24, 2016 Kevin 0 Comments

Back many years ago when I was a kid our family used to go to a well nearby a paddy field when we wanted a wash or a bath. Well, that was some nice memories!. The landscape hasn't changed much over the years but we don't go there anymore. That was the time we used to catch those little snake heads who lived in little streams which carried the water to the paddy fields. We used buckets to catch them and released them afterward. I should say that the whole process was very much fun! Those fish also liked to live in the paddy fields when there was water. (In fact, there is always water in the paddy fields. I hope to study and share the knowledge about the unique Ecosystem which can be seen there!)

Refreshing my memories I found out recently that those snakeheads are endemic to Sri Lanka and in fact, they are the smallest snakeheads in the world! And they cost a huge amount of money for snakehead lovers all over the world!

So that's when I wanted to catch some of them and keep them in a tank. The fishing trip was fun and we took a few back homes. I always have been a fish lover and this is a new but very familiar experience at the same time.

Beautiful fish! Aren't they?? Their scientific name is Channa Orientalis. Locally we call them " Kanaya". 

                                                  Look, these guys can have different colors. It seems this fish like blue.


This big male is defending his hiding place.. He is almost black and aggressive! Watch out Mr. Cichlid!

                                         Well, hope to share more stories soon. Will see you guys soon. Until next time, Bye!      

Meanwhile, if you want to read more about aquarium fish, go to pet fish 101.