Some games of Sinhala & Tamil new year festival

April 19, 2017 Kevin 1 Comments

Yeah, u got soo many toffees ryt son? :)
Hey I'm back with a sinhal & tamil new year post. This festival was held in Sooriyawewa Sri Lanka.
Toffee picking game for kids hehe.. This is so cute!

Rope pulling / tug of war game for students!

Look at the spirit! Mind power or physical power?

Oh no! You guys are in trouble! 

Female version of the game tug of war

Getting ready..

Getting ready....

Enough already! We are ready!!

Fancy dress competition! Kid gone old! :D

Telling some funny things.. Great entertainment! 

Student plays a roll of a drunken man

Gifts for the winners!

Fortune teller!

More to come.. More photos are to upload... Until then have a good time pals :)


New Year Season, For the 2nd time! And this time It's more historical & Traditional!

April 14, 2017 Kevin 0 Comments

Hey guys It's me Thili again!. I just wanted to say this is the BEST time of the year in the paradise. It's the Sinhala & Tamil new year. It's the special Summer in "Always Summer Island"!

Everyone is happy & active. Lots of games & out door activities are happening. It's a tradition of Thousands of years! Hope to update u guys with the stories so soon. But right now I have to attend for the festival! So meet u soon pals!